Contact Information
Hours of Operation
We are available anytime, 24/7!
Call to Book: 1-866-784-4020 (toll free in North America)
604-849-0224 (cell)
The average time it takes to travel with us from Vancouver International Airport (YVR) to Whistler is 2 hours to 2 hours 15 minutes. The driving distance is 136 kms. The reason we usually recommend leaving Whistler 4.5 hours prior to your flight departure time is to allow for any delays along the way, such as snow on the roads, accidents, heavy traffic going over one of the two major bridges we must cross in order to get to the airport (ie. The Lion’s Gate Bridge or The Iron Workers Memorial Bridge).
For example, if your flight departs Vancouver International Airport (YVR) to London at 8:30pm, we would normally recommend leaving Whistler at 4pm. This would allow for a maximum of 2.5 hours of travel time and over 2 hours to check-in at the airport. (Keep in mind, for USA Departures, you will often have to clear US Customs in Vancouver before leaving). Occasionally we will recommend leaving Whistler even earlier than 4pm for a 8:30pm flight if it is a weekend or if bad weather is predicted. Leaving Whistler at 4pm, would mean you would hit the Lion’s Gate Bridge at around 5:30pm, which can sometimes be a bad time to go over the bridge.
Vancouver International Airport (YVR) to Whistler – 136kms
Depending on traffic your driver may go through the heart of Downtown Vancouver or may avoid the central business district and go around to the east. If this is your first vacation to Whistler and prefer to go the more scenic route through Downtown Vancouver please let your driver know. Your driver can always make his recommendations by listening to the traffic radio station or looking online at the webcams and traffic reports. Surprisingly traffic on the weekends can sometimes be bad, especially on a nice sunny day or during a special event such as a hockey game, parade, holiday, before or after a long weekend, etc
Weather can also play a role in how long it takes to get from Whistler to Vancouver but usually it is the accidents related to the weather and other cars that will slow us down. Our vehicles and drivers can handle snow covered roads with ease. Usually it only snows north of Squamish (Squamish is a small town 2/3rds of the way to Whistler from Vancouver Airport). If you have already received your confirmation email from us with your departure pick-up time and we are at all concerned about the weather, we may sometimes try and contact you the day before your departure and adjust the pick-up time. It is not necessary to contact us but please feel free to do so, if you are concerned. We usually arrive at your hotel 10 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time and if your driver is concerned about the weather, he or she will usually be at your hotel even earlier to make sure we have lots of time.
Click here for a map from Vancouver International Airport (YVR) to Whistler
Alpine North Limousine provides private transportation between Vancouver Airport and Whistler, as well as private sightseeing tours.
1-866-784-4020 (toll free in North America)
604-849-0224 (cell)
410 15th St W, North Vancouver, BC V7M1S6
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